Preparing Your Home to Sell
In today’s age of consumerism, every buyer is comparative shopping. Make a small investment in time, money and effort in your home will give you a solid advantage over competing properties. Pay attention to detail now because first impressions count with buyers and you have one chance and it starts with curb appeal.
- Make sure your lawn is mowed and edged. The first impression a buyer will get of your home is from the outside. Curb appeal is very important. If you don’t have the time to keep the lawn mowed and edged, now is the time when hiring a service would benefit you. This way you don’t have to worry about making sure it always is done in time for a buyer to see it or an open house.
- Trim all the trees and shrubs on your property. If you can’t reach some of your tree’s or have the equipment to trim the trees and shrubs, we suggest you hire a landscape company to get it in shape for you. You can also rent the equipment from a rental company if you would prefer to do it yourself.
- Plant some flowers or display large flower pots. This is the best way to brighten up your yard and enhance that curb appeal. You can pick up inexpensive pots at a pottery place, K-Mart, Target, Home Depot, or even at a Garage Sale. These same places carry all types of flowers and shrubs too at good prices.
- Sweep and clean all sidewalks and pathways. If you are in a climate that has snow and ice, make sure you clean the sidewalks and pathways and also the decks and put down salt so it clears and no one falls. Make sure no toys, papers, or outside tools are left in the walk-ways.
- Repair and clean all windows. Replace any cracked or broken windows and make sure they are clean for a well maintained look.
- Clean all eaves and drain spouts. Blocked eaves and drain spouts can lead to damage that will cost more than keeping them clean. A ladder and either your hand or a small broom can clean them out or you can hire a handyman to do it for you.
- Paint exterior areas that need painting. Peeling or chipped paint should be taken care of for a fresh well cared for look to your home.
- Clean or replace door knobs. The entrance to the home should be perfect from the finish on the door to the door knob and locks. If they are dated and can’t be cleaned, then they should be replaced.
- Keep Garage Door closed. First impressions are important and even though the garage is an important space, it should not have the door left open at anytime. You also don’t want people to think they should enter through the garage because it is open.
- Remove all family photos, trophies, personal crafts, etc. Personal items such as pictures, trophies with names, home made crafts, etc. often keep people from being able to visualize the home for themselves and distract from other features of the home.
- Remove all “clutter” (ie: newspapers, boxes, etc.,) it will make your home feel bigger. Make sure the counters in baths and the kitchen are clutter free and papers either put away or in the trash. Dishes should always be done and put away, not left in the sink.
- Clean all your carpets. If the carpet needs to be replaced, do so and make sure it is a neutral color. If it does not need replacing, have it cleaned or do it yourself by renting a carpet cleaning machine.
- Repair or paint any chipped or dirty walls. Remember to choose neutral colors when painting your wall’s, not everyone like the bold colors or blue or red tones. If all that is needed is to wash the walls, do the entire wall, not just spots.
- Make doors and windows open correctly and easily. Just use a little A-1 oil where needed so that everything opens’s and closes easily.
- Repair and minor damages. (ie: plaster, wallpaper, creaking floor boards, etc.) If you have wall-paper and the seams are opening up, a small tube of wall paper paste can be purchased at K-Mart or a wall paper store. Creaking floor boards need to be repaired. You may need to hire a flooring person to lift up the flooring to repair the boards if you don’t want to attempt it yourself. Plaster repairs also may need the attention of an expert.
- Add some indoor plants. Plants add a warm feeling to a home. Green and flowering plants both work well.
- Repair leaking taps and toilets: If not when a buyer is looking at the home for the first time, when they choose to purchase and have an inspector check out the home, these little things will be brought up and asked to be repaired. Addressing now is better than later.
- Clean furnace and filters and if you have an Air Conditioner, do the same: Doing this should be done as normal maintenance yearly to add to the life of these expensive items. The working condition of these items will be a major concern of any buyer.
- Tighten door knobs and latches: Double check interior and exterior knobs and latches so that they are not loose and in good working order.
- Repair cracked plaster: If your home has plaster walls and are in need of repair, you may want to consult a plaster expert for a price and have it professionally done.
- Clean and repair windows: Make sure all windows are clean and replace cracked or broken glass. If you have slider windows make sure the tracks are clean and oiled so that they slide easily.
- Repair seals around tubs and basins: If this is needed, you can purchase caulking at a Hardware store and replace and repair where needed.
- Replace defective light bulbs: If the home is shown when lights are needed, you want to make sure all bulbs are in working order. Bathrooms and other smaller area’s need to be well lighted.
- Oil squeaking doors: Check all the doors in the home, including the closets for any squeaking that there might be. Use a little Oil to correct the squeaking.
- Repair squeaking floor boards: Repairing squeaking floor boards can be difficult depending on what you have for floor coverings. If you do not want to attempt it yourself, we suggest you call a professional flooring company.
Squeaky Clean:
- Clean and freshen bathrooms. Kitchens and Baths should be clean and spotless. These are two rooms that Buyers will pay a lot of attention to and when clean and bright, they will make a great first impression.
- Clean fridge and stove (in and out): Even if the appliances are not included in the sale, they should be clean and in perfect working order. Odors come from a dirty stove or fridge and can leave a poor first impression.
Create Space:
- Clear halls and stairs of clutter: Halls and stairs that are blocked by clutter will cause the buyer to feel the areas are small and may not be comfortable walking over items to get to another area of the home. There is also a safety issue.
- Store surplus furniture: This will make the rooms seem more spacious. Try not to store these items elsewhere in the home, garage or basement. Renting a storage unit for unused items is worth the investment. If these are not items you plan on moving, you may want to have a Pre Sale Garage Sale.
- Clear Kitchen clutter off the counters and stove top: Buyers want to have a kitchen that feels spacious and appears clean and fresh. The stove top should never have items piled on it. It not only looks like there is not counter space, but also is not a safe practice.
- Remove empty boxes and containers: These items should also be placed in a storage unit until ready to use.
At the Front Door:
- Clean porch and foyer: This is the first thing the buyer will see when entering your home. Make sure the porch is free of clutter and swept clean of dirt, and (if you are in a snow or ice climate make sure it is shoveled and salted) The foyer should be clean and is a good location for a small table with fresh flowers if there is room.
- Ensure door bell is in working order: You will want to test your door bell and make sure it is working so you can hear it ring when a Buyer or Realtor comes to the door.
- Repair screen on door or other out door areas with screening: All screens should be repaired before the home is on the market. Screens help bring the outside indoors and many buyers want to be able to open windows and doors when the weather is nice.
- Fresh paint or varnish front door: The front door is always the door to have a prospective buyer come in. It should look inviting and have a fresh look to it.
- Repair door locks and key access: Like the front door, this is what the buyer will see when entering the home. If the door locks and hardware are not in good condition they should be replaced. Make sure the key works easily in the lock if your home is going to be shown by Realtors.
Additional Tips if you are going to have an “OPEN HOUSE”:
- If possible, keep all pets out of the house. Pet’s need to either be out of the home or in a crate when the home is shown or an Open House is planned. Even the best Pet can have an off day and bite someone, and many buyers may be afraid of curtain pets.
- Add some fresh flowers in a vase. Colorful fresh flowers add warmth to a room.
- Make all the rooms in your house smell good. If you don’t like to bake fresh cookies, just add a cinnamon stick to water and put it in the oven on low for a nice smell or a scented candle always adds a nice aroma.
- Clean and clear all table tops, desks, shelves, etc. Clutter takes away from the features of the home.
- Create as much light as possible. Open all blinds and curtains. The brighter the home the better. Windows need to be clean, blinds and curtains open, and lights on when needed.
- Add fresh towels to the bathrooms. New fresh towels and even small soaps in a soap dish add a lot to the bathrooms.
- Turn off all TV’s computers, etc. During showings and Open houses, TV’s and computers should be off. They tend to take away the attention of the buyer.
- Add a little music softly in the background. Soft music can add relaxation to the buyers mood as they go through the home.
- Never hold an Open House alone. You are allowing strangers into your home and it is better to have another person with you. This person should be another adult, not a child. Also have a cell phone with you at all times if possible and an auto dial button for 911. When showing the home, always have the buyer enter the room ahead of you so that the exit is never blocked. If there is a basement in the home, have the lights on and have the buyer go ahead of you, again always leaving the exit open for you if needed. Open house’s can be on any day, not just week-ends, but should always be during the day, with hours that end before dark.